My True Stories

  • The Start of the Pandemic

    The Start of the Pandemic

    “Why did you leave?” As I travel around, I am asked this question very often. Before the pandemic, I had a job as a naturalist. While that might sound like I spent my days without clothes, it was actually a job working with kids as an employee of Los Angeles county. A naturalist, in this…

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  • When I Fell and Hit My Head

    When I Fell and Hit My Head

    While I was living in Australia, I fell and hit my head. I was cutting an onion when the knife slipped and I felt a sudden pain in my left middle finger. I looked at it and saw a tiny mark, smaller than an eyelash. I have always had a fear relating to cutting my…

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  • Walking Home, Alone in the Dark

    Walking Home, Alone in the Dark

    “It’s a lot darker than I expected.” This was my thought as I walked along the empty Costa Rican beach. The moon was full only a few days ago so I thought I would be walking with plenty of moonlight but it was completely dark On a later day, I would learn that the time…

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  • so far

    so far

    “You have gone so far from who you are just to find yourself.” These words were spoken to me on the evening of my first attempt at surfing in September of 2020, by a person who just met me earlier that same day. I had been bouncing around during the pandemic, hopping between friends’ houses…

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  • Nahko, Mumford, and the Mirror

    Nahko, Mumford, and the Mirror

    In the summer after my junior year of college, I received an internship working for an enzyme company. The job was over an hour’s drive from my house, causing me to almost always come in later than my scheduled start time. It was an internship with the Household Care department, which meant I was responsible…

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  • Alien Nerd

    Alien Nerd

    I went to a liberal university. On the first day of classes, I was told that my demographic group, straight white males, were “at fault” for many of the problems of our society. Granted, this was a sociology class entitled Race Relations in America so make sure you hold onto that grain of salt. The class went…

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