It’s a Lot

It’s a Lot

an interconnected textbook on everything

This textbook is the culmination of several hundred hours of work done by several younger versions of myself.

Originally called Your/The Human Manual, the majority of the research and writing was done as a 22 year old. The audio recordings were made at age 23. A bit of editing happened at age 25 when the distinction of World & Human was added. I have updated the links to bring it back online and left a few Preface comments at age 29.

There may be future edits but for now, I will leave the textbook as it is so that you can read/listen to the ideas of younger me. 

You have never read a book like this. Each section is self-contained and only a few pages but you can read them in any order you want. 

You are about to start reading an online, interconnected textbook about our human experience in our world. I have separated our human experience into two parts: the World we live in and the Human we are using to exist here. There are a few overview sections and many more sections on many topics, let your curiosity guide you and take your time!

At any time, feel free to stop reading and reflect on the ideas you just read. If you want to learn more than what I provide, go online and do your own research. You have all the tools you’ll ever need at your fingertips.

This book is meant to provide a framework of existence. Think of it as a “bookshelf of knowledge.” There are plenty of spots on the shelves yet to be filled with future discoveries by you and others. I did not write this book to serve as the entire library, it is only meant to help organize our understanding of this world.

We are a part of this world and we have the power to make a change in ourselves to affect everything around us. All it takes is knowledge and an intention to make a change.

We aren’t the first people to exist here. Many of the people who came before us wrote down their discoveries and revelations to grant us the ability to accomplish more than they could ever have dreamed.

You can use the following menu to navigate throughout this online book or click the section where you’d like to start

Table of Contents